Graduate Clubs - Functional Career Interest
Contact: Melissa Soong
Membership Benefits
More details required: Please indicate which Marshall MBA program you are in (i.e., FT MBA, MBA.PM, etc.), if you are an international student (ie. International), and let us know if there is anything else you want us to know about you! Note: membership is only open to those in an MBA program. We have 2 action items before you officially join MCSC: 1. By joining MCSC, you agree that you have read and signed the code of conduct. Please sign the Google Form associated with the Code of Conduct acknowledging you agree to abide by it. 2. Join the MCSC Slack - you will need to search for Marshall Consulting & Strategy Club within USC's Slack Once your payment is received, your membership will be validated within 24 hours. After that point, you'll be able to register for upcoming events and will also begin receiving weekly emails with upcoming events and other announcements. Welcome to the MCSC family, and see you around! Fight On!