USC Marshall School of Business | Groups

USC Marshall School of Business | MBAPrepAdvantage

Welcome to the Travel & Hospitality Club (T&HC)!
The T&HC board is absolutely thrilled to welcome you into our family and to our website! Our club’s mission is to connect students in the Marshall community with best-in-class hospitality and travel brands from all over the world. Throughout the year we put together exciting recruiting, learning, and social events for our members.
It is a fascinating time to be part of the Travel & Hospitality Industries because of the rapid changes and how the industries are constantly reinventing themselves and re-envisioning their strategy in response to the impact of COVID-19. With the advent of industry disrupters like Yelp, AirBnB, TripAdvisor, Uber/Lyft, we are noticing how companies and brands are repositioning themselves to fit with new consumer models.

In such a dynamic and broad industry, it is difficult to draw the line at where hospitality starts and stops. One of our club’s biggest focuses is to collaborate with many different USC Marshall clubs across campus that are already integrated in our club’s focal areas, such as: Net Impact, Entrepreneurship & Venture Management Association, Business of Entertainment Association, Graduate Marketing Association, Wine Club, to name a few.

We look forward to this year and hope everyone makes the most of their Marshall experience!
As Always, Fight On!´©Å

President Orion Krawitt

VP Professional Development– Alex Buchholz

VP Operations & Recruitment– Kara Dismuke

VP Events & Finance– Spencer Ramsey

VP Partnerships– Jacob Hallum