President's Message


Dear Marshall Community,

For most of us, business school serves as an incubator for professional and personal development. The business school curriculum can be intense at times, and mindfulness practices are the perfect complement to our academic and social endeavors during these years.

Setting aside time to build mindfulness routines can be a source of peacefulness and a form of self care. But mindfulness goes beyond those personal benefits; mindfulness practices can help hone leadership skills and help practitioners handle high pressure environments. Not to mention that our club is a great way to find supportive friendships with others who aim to live intentionally.

Throughout the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Mindful Marshall community has served as both a solace and a source of joy for me. As president, I aim to support each Marshall student on their journey to become the most empowered, enlightened, and liberated versions of themselves.

Our Mindful Marshall team organizes events around a variety of mindfulness modalities to help our community develop resilience, improve their mindsets, and create positive habits. I hope you'll consider joining us for an event soon!

Yours in health and mindfulness,

Katie Mayo

President, Mindful Marshall