Paypal Account

Login and Password

It is critical that you get your club's PayPal account (club email address) and password from the outgoing president and log in to the account at least once with the outgoing president before the end of the Spring semester.

New Account Set-up

Most student organizations should already have a properly functioning PayPal account linked to their bank account. However, should you need to open a new PayPal account, please discuss with your staff liaison and follow the steps listed in the "How to Set Up a PayPal Business Account for Marshall USC (CampusGroups)" instructions in the Documents section of this website. PayPal accounts need to be set up with certain specifications to work properly!

Name Change on the Account

Each year, the contact name on the PayPal account will need to be changed to the new President/VP Finance (and the outgoing President/VP Finance's name will be removed). The name change process requires paperwork and multiple steps (see step-by-step procedures below and complete the PayPal Account Transfer Letter via DocuSign). Changing names on the PayPal account may seem tedious, but it is critical in order to have a smooth financial transition! Additionally, the process is straightforward – so just do it!

Deadline: For 2024-2025, the PayPal Account Transfer should be completed at the President's Training Session in late March. If this transfer cannot be completed during the training session for any reason, please complete the name change prior to the end of spring semester, before you leave for the summer.  Do not wait until the fall semester to do this - remember, we will have a Presidents Council meeting and Club Fair during the first week of classes (on top of solidifying your fall class schedule!).

The name change request should also be performed in cases where an incorrect name (School or Club) was entered on the PayPal account creation.

You can change the contact name on your PayPal Business account. The contact name must be your name, not your student organization's name.

To process your name change request, PayPal requires additional information. Please provide:

  • A valid photo identification which shows your new name (a driver's license, a passport, or any other government-issued photo identification). A letter on company (USC Marshall) stationery which shows the primary email address, current name, street address and the phone number on your PayPal Business account.
  • A letter on company (USC Marshall) stationery which shows the primary email address, current name, street address and the phone number on your PayPal Business account. In your letter, include the reason for the name change and the new contact name (use the PayPal Name Change Letter via DocuSign).  The letter will be routed to the Full-Time MBA Program Office staff liaison for their signature. Make sure the letter is printed on USC letterhead.

You will also need to provide one of the following:

  • A recent bank statement for the bank account listed on your PayPal account (if applicable).
  • A recent credit card statement for the card listed on your PayPal account (if applicable).
  • A copy of a recent utility bill. – In this case, you will need to add your personal street address as an additional address listing in your PayPal "Profile" page. We need to show proof that your personal address matches your utility bill.

Here's how to add an address to your PayPal account:

  1. Go to and log in to your account.Click 'Profile' near the top of the page.
  2. Click 'Profile' near the top of the page.
  3. Click 'My personal info.'
  4. Click 'Update' beside 'Address.'
  5. Click 'Add Address.'
  6. Enter the address, and then click 'Save.'

Note: You can only add an address within your country.

Note: When providing financial statements or utility bills, the document must show your new name and your address exactly as it appears on your PayPal account.

Here's how to change the contact name on your Business account:

  1. Log in to your PayPal account.
  2. Click "Profile" near the top of the page.
  3. Click "Update" beside "Business information."
  4. Click "Change Name."
  5. Select "Business Name Change (change contact name)," and then click "Continue."

You can upload or fax your documents to PayPal. To help protect your information, PayPal cannot accept files sent by email attachment.

Here's how to upload your documents:

  1. Click "Upload Files."
  2. Browse for the file you want to upload and click "Attach this File."
  3. Click "Send Files to PayPal."

Here's how to fax your documents:

  1. Click "Continue to Fax Cover Sheet."
  2. Enter your name, a brief description of your request, and how many pages you are faxing (include the cover sheet as a page).
  3. Click "Print Page."
  4. Fax the documents to 402-537-5732.

PayPal will email you when the contact name on your Business account has been changed.

Adding Secondary Users to PayPal

Account security is a high priority at PayPal. In order for PayPal's Customer Support to discuss your PayPal business account with a secondary person over the phone/email they need him/her to be an authorized user of your account.

Here's how to add club officers/secondary users to your PayPal business account to discuss account details with your Account Management Team (1-888-221-1161):

  1. Log in to your PayPal account.Click "Profile" near the top of the page.
  2. Click "Profile" near the top of the page.
  3. Click "My settings".
  4. Click "Get Started" beside "Manage Users."
  5. Click "Add User."
  6. Enter the user's name, a user ID, and a password.
  7. Select what the user can access under "What are PayPal account privileges?" and click "Save."

Here's how to edit a secondary user's privileges:

  1. Log in to your PayPal account.Click "Profile" near the top of the page.
  2. Click "Profile" near the top of the page.
  3. Click "My settings".
  4. Click "Update" beside "Manage Users."
  5. Select "User Name" and click "Edit."
  6. Edit the privileges and click "Save."

Here's how to permit a secondary user to discuss your account with Customer Service:

  1. Log in to your PayPal account.
  2. Click "Profile" near the top of the page.
  3. Click "My settings".
  4. Click "Get Started" beside "Manage Users."
  5. Click "Add User."
  6. Enter the user's name, a user ID, and a password.
  7. Select what the user can access under "What are PayPal account privileges?" and click "Save."


- To log in to your Business account, the secondary user enters the user ID and password you created.

- You can edit the secondary user's account privileges anytime.

- You can permit 8 secondary users to discuss your account with Customer Service.

- When a Secondary User is given 'Scheduled Downloadable Log and Settlement File' access, that user cannot be granted any other privileges. The account owner must create an additional logon if they want to grant that user additional access.

- If a Secondary User is given the Discuss Account with Customer Service access, Edit Profile, View Profile and View Balance will automatically be selected, and customer will need to accept the Discuss Account Terms link from the web.

- If a Secondary User is given the Withdraw Funds priveledge, View Balance will automatically be selected.


In order to be able to transfer more than $500 from your PayPal account per month (which you will want to do to transfer your club's dues from PayPal to your club bank account), your PayPal account must be verified. This is done by 1) verifying your bank account (adding a bank account and verifying it through a series of steps - see Bank Verification Steps below) and then 2) verifying your PayPal account (adding a credit card to the PayPal account/profile itself and verifying it - see detailed PayPal Account Verification via Credit Card instructions below).

Note: As long as the club bank account has not changed from one year to the next, the bank account should not have to be verified again (step 1 above). However, it is likely the PayPal account will need to be verified (step 2 above) as the outgoing club president will most likely remove his/her credit card information from the club's PayPal account before he/she leaves Marshall. Please go through the credit card verification steps before you leave for the summer so your account is ready to go for Fall dues!

1) Bank Verification Steps:

This step is only required if the club bank account has changed.

Add the new bank account information in the PayPal account. If there is an old bank account, it can be removed once a new bank has been added and verified. Depending on the bank, you might have the choice to confirm instantly (after adding the bank, the user would be prompted to add their online bank user name and password). This will then verify the bank automatically, but not all banks participate in this form of verification.

The other bank verification option is a standard 2-3 day process to verify the bank before money can be moved. Users will have to add the bank to see if they get the instant verification.

Caution note: A bank account can only be added and removed to any PayPal account 3 times. So, if a bank account was added once, and is then removed and added to another account PayPal account - that will count twice for that bank account. If, after a couple years new club leadership follows the same process, then that will be three transactions for the bank account. After that, if the bank account is removed then attempted to be added to another account, it will not work. You will have to get a new bank account, no work around, no overrides, it's final. So, knowing this, PayPal highly suggests that student organizations keep the same bank account from year to year and do a PayPal name change only, to prevent any further issues in the future.

2) PayPal Account Verification Steps via credit card:

This step is required every year!

To lift the default $500 withdrawal limit on your PayPal account, the user listed on the account will have to either add his/her SSN (not recommended) or add his/her credit card information to the PayPal account (use the credit card option). The card is not used for payment or anything other than verification purposes.

The credit card can be from any source. PayPal will then verify the PayPal account by charging the credit card $1.95 and putting a code next to the charge on the credit card online billing statement. The person who has access to this credit card will need to check his/her online banking to confirm that code, then verify it in the PayPal account. Once the charge has been verified, the $1.95 is refunded.

This account verification step is for security, because someone can theoretically steal a credit card and then add it to a PayPal account. However, the verification is in place as a measure of security because the card holder would see the $1.95 was an unauthorized charge, and contact PayPal, blocking the fraudster's access.