Room Reservations within Marshall

To reserve space in JKP or in another Marshall building, you can submit a request to the Room Scheduling office through MyMarshall -> Useful Links -> Room Reservations -> Student Group Request. Only club Presidents can place room requests.

Indoor Events: Student organization presidents have access to reserve space within JKP, HOH, BRI, and ACC for the current semester. During the final exam period, space can be reserved once the final exam schedule is finalized.

To reserve JKP 300, email your primary staff liaison (either career or program office) with your request details. JKP 300 should only be requested when all other options have been exhausted. These reservations need to be confirmed with Dean's office so they should be requested at least a month in advance.

Outdoor Events:  Please work with your staff liaison to request Marshall outdoor space.  Your staff liaison will need at least a month lead time to request for the space, submit permits, etc.  Also, due to current Marshall policy, your staff liaison must be present during the duration of your event.

If the event you are hosting is co-sponsored by the Full-Time MBA Program Office or Graduate Career Services, please work with your staff liaison to reserve the space you need.